my wise

I could still hear
in my ears,
she was screaming
in her perfect Dutch:
" We're losing him!"
Like a robot
I answered in one blast :
" Ephram we lost him! He is gone!"
She cried for the pain,
her only man
who had grown up like her
He left her
in that room
that smelled like rotten.
I looked at her,
that young woman,
she was 84 years
She grew up
that son
who years before
his folk and his mother;
he preferred to live like a nomad,
without all the comforts
she could give to him.
He made her become a grandmother
whitout telling her.
He loved just one woman
and the rest of his life
he spent it in every bed searching for her!
He found his daughter
in front of his door
in a grey day of October;
It seemed that
he knew her already for long time
although she saw him for the first time
when she was 22 years old.
She could not hate him,
it was impossible
he gave off something
that belonged to her.
Now two of his three women
were by his side,
his only love
left him long time ago.
Now she sees him as
a foreigner
even if they shared
the same love
for that daughter,
and she was jealous of it!
He left them with a bitter smile
on the lips;
yeah, because he had to leave the scene happily,
he was laughing always of other people...